Hello everyone,
The West Cork Motorcycle Club is happy to offer a new raffle with the TT just around the corner.
West Cork Motorcycle Raffle 2023 (Isle of Man TT Races)
Main Price is John McGuinness TT 2022 Helmet.
It has been signed by John himself, it will include Certificate of authenticity.

It's only €5 per entry
Tickets can be purchased online and offline at the Greenmount Motorsport Bonanza show in Limerick Racecourse, Greenmount Park, Patrickswell, Sunday May 21st 2023
100 numbers available online pick one or more.
Draw will take place at the West Cork Motorcycle Club Meeting The Ramble Inn Ballinhassig (T12EK2T), Ballyheedy, Ballinhassig, Co. Cork, Ireland Fiday 2nd of June 2023
A big Thank you to Noël Carey for giving this super prize to the West Cork Motorcycle Club. We appreciate this a lot.

Best of luck to you all !
The West Cork Motorcycle Club